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Smartphone learning apps

Text A:

7+3 T&T: Even though the app was once split into ‘pro’ and ‘free’ versions, the 7+3 developer now provides an ‘all-in-one’ free version to include all features in these versions. 7 sentence patterns and 3 language intuitions will be comprehensively taught.


-Users do not have to pay for any feature on 7+3 T&T app.

-The app will give you details about what 7+3 is.

Text B:

Hero Sports: …or if you want something special, this app also has Shop-Cart purchases, including tales of past athletes you can listen to. The app allows you to check your sports’ performance… no matter run or cycle or hiking


-Users can pay to download true stories on the app.

– This app can be used for several sports.

Text C:

Hiking King: .…If you are not sure where to hike, you may find user-created routes or share your own route there.


-You can get suggestions about where to hike from others on this app.

Text D:

Jogging Fast: Lots of GPS jogging apps are now available on smartphones, but Jogging Fast is so excellent you can get GPS tracking, all sorts of background music, full jogging history, various table style selections and healthy tips. No free of charge version is available.


    • Users have to pay in order to get Jogging Fast

    • The app has well-presented visual and audio features.